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AI 101 - fundamentals for managers and leaders
AI Fundamentals for Managers & Executives
Why executives & managers need to engage with AI NOW (ChatGPT is NOT the reason) (4:39)
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When do we speak of AI? Simple definition of AI for managers (2:09)
Relevant business areas for AI managers need to pay attention to (4:34)
Innovation, digitization, and AI belong together (3:35)
What makes state-of-the-art generative AI special? (ChatGPT,etc. for managers) (4:13)
Practical Examples of AI in business & life beyond ChatGPT, Dall-E, Mindjourney (4:17)
🚀 11 AI tools every manager, executive, and business leader should know
AI terms manager need to know (non-tech explanation; Machine Learning, AGI, SGI) (6:18)
Test your AI knowledge
Advancing AI within companies - and the human factor
The human handicap: Exponential growth and AI (and why ChatGPT learned so fast) (4:42)
AI as a colleague - how managers should introduce AI to their teams (3:42)
7 areas AI will transform in the workplace and what it means to executives (7:03)
AI and fears: Actively addressing the fears of employees regarding AI (2:54)
Example: How the fear of an executive and its team hinders innovation (and AI) (3:20)
Actively promoting AI initiatives in the company as an executive/manager (2:55)
Why AI projects fail and how you, as a manager, can avoid it (3:32)
Why hallucinating AI (ChatGPT, Bart, etc.) can be a risk for a business (2:00)
Quiz: How managers leverage AI at the workplace
How executives and managers approach AI with an open mindset
Fear of innovation: What AI and horse-drawn carriages have in common (3:29)
AI is not a technology topic, but a leadership topic (5:02)
Staying up to date on AI - your AI task force (2:42)
Real-world examples of AI: AI is almost everywhere already (2:49)
Who should be part of the AI task force?
Case studies, examples, further resources
Your next steps as a manager and business regarding AI
Your next steps as a manager and business regarding AI (3:28)
One more thing...
Teach online with
Who should be part of the AI task force?
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